Why I write these blogs

Taking a stand & finding meaning.

It was 5:22 pm, and as I pondered the idea of adding a blog section to my revamped website, a question popped into my head: why write these blogs anyway? I mean, everybody seems to have one, right? It’s like the virtual version of having a potted plant in your office – it’s just there. But then again, a potted plant doesn’t exactly require much effort to maintain. Blogs, however, do.

So, there I was, caught in the existential crisis of blogging. Should I embrace the blogosphere or just let it be like a forgotten gym membership? And then it struck me – it’s not about writing blogs, it’s about taking a stand. You see, throughout my life, I’ve noticed a curious phenomenon. People love to have opinions and stand their ground, but when it comes to group decisions, it’s often the one with the strongest stand that wins. It’s like trying to pick a restaurant with a group of friends – you end up where the most persistent voice wants to go.

In the grand scheme of things, having a stand on something might seem trivial, especially when the question is what pizza topping to get. But let me tell you, it’s a life skill more vital than learning how to parallel park. In those moments of decision-making crisis, when everyone’s opinions are jumbled like a Rubik’s cube, someone needs to step up and say, “We’re doing this!” Otherwise, you end up with a room full of people staring at each other, waiting for someone else to take the first step.

Having a stand isn’t just about being stubbornly opinionated, though. It’s about giving shape to your life, adding purpose, and being that person who isn’t afraid to take charge. Sure, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows – it’s more like stepping onto a leadership rollercoaster. You’ll need to lead, be accountable, and patch the holes in your stand’s logic when they inevitably pop up.

Taking a stand doesn’t mean you have to have an opinion on everything under the sun. But some things deserve your resolute stance. You know that saying, “If you don’t pick a side, someone will pick it for you”? It’s not just a cheesy motivational poster – it’s reality. So, why not actively decide where you stand?

Now, I get it – not everyone’s an expert on everything. That’s perfectly fine. But sometimes, deep down, you just know better. You’ve got that gut feeling, like you’re the only one who understands what’s really good for everyone else. And it’s not about imposing your will, but rather helping others see what you see.

So, back to the blog thing. That’s why I’m here, typing away on these digital pages. This isn’t about pontificating from a virtual soapbox; it’s about discussing ideas, exploring thoughts, and inviting conversation. I’m not here to preach – I’m here to engage. If you disagree with me, bring it on. Let’s hash it out like civilized humans (or maybe slightly overcaffeinated ones). And hey, if your arguments are compelling enough, I might just rethink my stance. That’s the beauty of it – I’m not tied to my words, I’m tied to the pursuit of understanding.

So, as I embark on this blog journey, I’m starting with the simple stuff – my takes on things that matter to me. Who knows where this will lead? Maybe to a treasure trove of newfound concepts or just a collection of thoughts for that inevitable debate at the next family gathering. Either way, these blogs will be my digital badges, my arsenal of well-reasoned opinions, ready to be brandished in the name of lively discourse.

Why write these blogs, you ask? Because, in a world of fleeting opinions and echo chambers, I choose to stand up, stand out, and stand firm – one blog at a time. Who knows, maybe one day, my blog might be the spark that ignites someone else’s take on things. And that, my friends, is a pretty cool reason to tap away at these keys.