Tiling Window Managers

Tired of alt-tabbing to the right window instance ? Not anymore.

Why I use a tiling window manager.

Gone are the days of alt-tabbing through a maze of windows, I’ve found my sanctuary in the arms of tiling window managers. This blog post is a deep dive into why I’ve chosen this path, the unique benefits it offers, and how it has revolutionized my interaction with my computer.

What is a tiling window manager ?

A tiling window manager is a system that manages the placement and resizing of windows within a computer’s desktop environment. Unlike traditional window managers, where windows float and can overlap each other, tiling window managers automatically organize windows into non-overlapping sections, or tiles, of the screen.

This ensures that all open windows are visible simultaneously, maximizing screen real estate and eliminating the need to manually resize or move windows around.

Dynamic tiling window managers take this a step further by allowing the layout to change dynamically based on the number and nature of open windows. This adaptability means the window arrangement can shift seamlessly from, say, a single full-screen window to a side-by-side view, optimizing the workspace for different tasks and workflows.

Where did I first hear about it.

One day, while I was busy ricing my linux machine, I came across the subreddit unix porn. This place was filled with examples of personalized setups where I first caught wind of i3, a tiling window manager celebrated for its simplicity and efficiency. Intrigued by the sleek, organized layouts I saw, I decided to give i3 a try. It was an eye-opening experience that turned my cluttered screen into a space of productivity and sleek design.

However, my journey didn’t stop there. As I delved deeper into the community and explored various configurations, I discovered dwm (dynamic window manager). Its minimalist design, coupled with powerful customization, resonated with me on a deeper level.

The switch from i3 to dwm felt like a natural progression, one that significantly upped my workflow game. Now, as I sit before my neatly managed desktop, I can confidently say that dwm is a steadfast companion in my computing journey, one that I believe I’ll take to the grave with me.

Does it really matter ?

Yes. The most striking advantage of tiling window managers is their efficiency. With a tiling setup, every pixel of your screen is used effectively. No more minimizing and maximizing windows, no more time wasted shuffling through overlapping applications. It’s all about having what you need, right where you need it.

They also allow you to customize every aspect of your desktop environment to match your workflow. From crafting custom keyboard shortcuts that become second nature to allocating workspaces for specific apps to spawn in, the level of control is unrivaled. This high degree of customization results in a more personal and productive computing experience.

What’s the catch ?

It won’t be an honest discussion if I don’t mention these …

  • If you’re more comfortable with graphical desktop environments where you can use the mouse extensively and enjoy the drag-and-drop functionality, a tiling window manager might feel restrictive.

  • Tiling window managers often require users to configure settings and keybindings manually. If you prefer a setup where everything is preconfigured and easily accessible through a graphical interface, a tiling window manager may not be your preference.

  • Setting up a tiling window manager, especially for the first time, can be time-consuming as it involves configuring various settings and keybindings. If you have limited time to invest in customization, you might prefer a more plug-and-play desktop environment.

Why I Stick with It.

In conclusion, tiling window managers have transformed the way I interact with my computer. They offer a degree of efficiency, customization, and control that I haven’t encountered in any other window manager.

For those prepared to tackle the initial learning curve, the payoff is a computing experience that’s better organized, more productive, and perfectly tailored to your needs.

As with all things in technology, it’s about finding what works best for you. For me, the structure, efficiency, and customization of tiling window managers have become indispensable in my daily computing life.

What next ?

If my journey has piqued your interest, I wholeheartedly encourage you to dip your toes into the world of tiling window managers. Perhaps on a long weekend ?

Start with something accessible like i3, renowned for its user-friendliness and robust community support. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could try my own pre-patched dwm setup, tailored for a balance between functionality and simplicity.

Give it a try – It might revolutionize your workflow just as it did mine.