
interview guide


Before the interview : My name is your name , and I have an interview scheduled with [ interviewer name ] at 9.

  1. Introduction : The interviewer typically starts by asking for a short introduction. This gives him the initial impression of who you are. This strongly influences how he formulates the next round of questions. So basically you deliver him the content on which he can develop questions.

    And hence, you need to get your story straight.

    • The interviewer is only mildly interested in your personal life, just so he can take a glimpse of your life in its entirety and make sure there are no obvious red flags. Hence your introduction should, in a very subtle way, reflect the qualities that they’re looking for, for the position you’re applying to.
    • Following are ways to better articulate your story, Irrespective of the position you’re applying to :
      • Sprinkle your story with shallow one-liner details : Giving away details backs your story.
      • Make a list of things you’ve done that reflect the qualities they want and weave a story around it instead of just stating your life events chronologically. This is an interview, not a friendly discussion, intervention or a philosophy class. Your story needs to give the initial impression that “okay. he seems like the right guy for the job”.
      • Keep it concise, give him only enough content that he can formulate questions on. The real deal is, when you answer his questions thus making it a conversation, and not a speech led by you.
  2. Technical Round : Here you need to explain a task you’ve done, in technical terms to the interviewer. The best way is to explain everything step by step, so that at any point the interviewer can queue in and ask a question in that context. This can be coupled with a screen share, to demonstrate and explain working of the task. For a complex explanation begin with the technical detail of the working followed by a one or two liner analogy.

  3. For a zoom interview, verify a working state of all your projects so you can demonstrate them right away without any hassle. This makes a substantial impact on the interviewer.


  • Where are you from?
  • What do you do?
  • What are your special skills?
  • What are you passionate about?

Hello there. My name is [ Sourav Singh ]. I am a computer science undergrad and a part time software contractor. I am currently located in Ranchi, India. I work on websites, apps and APIs and I also write technical blogs on my website and on some weekends I lend a hand to NGOs or government schools where I teach STEM subjects to students or help them with their curriculum.

My interests revolve around computer science, programming, robotics and digital art. And besides that I like to read, sketch, play basketball, engage in discussions & debates or work on my next side project.

Questions to ask the interview

  • What will my role be ?
  • What would a typical day at work look like for my role ?
  • How many hours am I expected to work ?
  • What are the perks or benefits ?
  • Is there a probation period ? And if so, how will I be evaluated ?